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A Directory of OPDs

Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) in Bangladesh

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Publications of Abilis Foundation

Abilis Foundation has published a number of useful publications are for the grassroots Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs). Some of them have been translated to Bangla language.

Abilis Manual-1: Participatory Project Planning

This manual has practical exercises and examples of disability projects that can help OPDs to go from great ideas to equally great projects. The aim is that Abilis Foundation and many other aid agencies will want to give their full support to your projects. This manual will help you to organize your group and create a successful project proposal - using participatory methods. Organizing is a key to empowering people with disabilities. Participation of your group members strengthens your group.

Abilis Manual-1: Participatory Project Planning Bangla is downloadable from this link.

Abilis Manual-2: Writing Project Proposal

There are lots of great ideas for projects among small and large groups of people with disabilities. Many of the ideas have been gathered from group members through participatory planning, as guided in the Abilis Manual 1, Planning for Success. It is also essential to describe ideas and activities well enough to a funder. The purpose of this manual is to assist groups of people with disabilities to successfully write a project proposal. Abilis hopes to help groups to go from great ideas to equally successful projects.

Abilis Manual-2: Writing Project Proposal is downloadable from this link.

Abilis Manual-3: Report Writing

Reporting is not only an important part of project management, but also a way for an implementing organization to convey a clear picture. This reporting manual assists implementing groups in the preparation of accurate reports for a funder like Abilis Foundation. Different types of report, whether narrative or financial, mid-term or final, are clearly defined in the booklet, and the relevant procedures laid out in full detail. With the practical advice and useful tips that it provides in all instances, it will enable groups to meet reporting requirements.

Abilis Manual 3 Report Writing is downloadable from this link.

Active and Independent

Abilis has published this guide for the people with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) for their mobility and activities for daily living, healthy living, bladder management, bowl management, taking care of skin, spinal cord injury side effect, self-esteem and relationships. Spinal Cord Injuries’ Development Association Bangladesh (SCIDAB), a DPO in Bangladesh working to unite persons with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) has translated the Bangla version with logistic support from CRP, technical support from Turning Point Foundation and funding from Abilis Foundation and other sources.

Abilis Manual on Spinal Cord Injury is downloadable from this link.